How To Generate Targeted Leads, Increase Sales, Increase Your Whatsapp Status Views, And Close More Sales On Whatsapp

Magnetic Sales Whatsapp Lead Generator


Distinguished Entrepreneurs!!

Would you like to learn how to generate leads, increase your sales margin, increase customers' numbers, increase your Whatsapp status views, and close more sales on Whatsapp without spamming people and begging them to save your phone number?

If you answered YES to the question above, then pay close attention to everything I am about to share with you, and here is why…

The success of your business depends on your ability to generate high-quality targeted leads.

If you’re not getting leads, you won’t make sales and if you’re not making sales you won’t make money.

You need to keep generating leads and building a list of quality people that can consistently buy from you.

One of the best ways you can generate leads for your business and build a very cost-effective list is through WhatsApp.

However, there is a problem.

When most business owners try to generate leads on Whatsapp, they do it the absolute wrong way.

Have you ever received a message from someone telling you they got your contact from a WhatsApp group you both belong, and asking you to save their contact?

I bet you have or you even probably send it to people yourself. Lol 😆

If you are doing this then you need to stop because it’s the worst way to get leads for your business and here is why…

Firstly, You’re spamming people by sending them unsolicited messages that they never requested?

Secondly, Even if people save your contact and you do the same, you might be building the wrong audience without realizing it.

The fact that someone is in a graphic design or affiliate marketing group does not mean he or she is interested in graphic design or affiliate marketing.

The person could be there to learn how the trainer conducts his training so adding them up to target as a potential customer might be a waste of time…
It is not just about getting leads.

It is about getting high-quality leads that can pay for your products and services consistently…

…and you don’t achieve this by chasing people from WhatsApp groups and begging them to save your contact.

You achieve this by strategically positioning yourself in a way that gets people attracted to you.

This is how I’ve been able to build an audience that consistently pays me on Whatsapp.

Look, making money on Whatsapp is not as hard as most gurus make it to look like.

it is just about being strategic with the numbers game.

If you have 1000 people viewing your status and you make an offer of N1000, you only need 100 people out of those 1000 views to buy your product for you to make N100k.

If you do this twice a month, that’s N200k in your bank account. Most bankers don’t even earn that much in a month.

As simple as this may seem, you can’t achieve results like this by just filling up your Whatsapp contact with just anybody.

You need to build a HOT buyer audience that can afford to buy whatever you sell.

This is why I am...


Magnetic Sales Whatsapp Lead Generator

Here Is What You'll Learn Inside Magnetic Sales Whatsapp Leads Generator Videos Course

✔ How to build an audience on WhatsApp that consistently pays you.

✔ How to run cheap Facebook ads and get leads for as low as N20-30 per lead without having a website or business manager account.

✔ I will show you my unique organic lead generation technique, plus my lead multiplier strategy that ensures you get at least 10-20 leads coming to your WhatsApp daily even without running paid ads.

✔ An unpopular way to make your Facebook ads pay for itself using one-time-offers

✔ How you can ACTIVATE consistent bank alert and make your whatsapp contacts give you their money over and over again.

✔ How to position yourself as an authority and sell, upsell, and down-sell out your product like crazy even before creating it

✔ The NUMBER ONE deadly sin you must avoid when generating leads on Whatsapp. Ignore this at your own risk.

✔ How to increase your Whatsapp status views to 100, 500, 1000, or even more without begging anybody to save your phone number.

✔ How to automate your WhatsApp to respond to frequent chat and close sales while you are sleeping.

✔ How to set up an Optimize Google My Business Account and get verified within 1hr of creating an account. This will create visibility for your businesses on Google SEO

✔ How to generate traffic hacks on Nairaland without paying for Ads

✔ How to build a sales page, Landing page without paying for Domain and Hosting

And lots more…

How Much To Get The Course?

Let me be very frank with you.

I am not going to threaten you with any scarcity here.

The price for this course is N35,000.

But I want to make it affordable for any serious business owner out there.

I’ll allow you to get the course for just N10,000

However, this is for a limited time.

Let me be honest with you…

If you decide to close this page now thinking you can always come back here to get this course for N10,000,then I need to tell you something very important.

The price of this course will increase any time from now.

I cannot tell you when exactly but, one thing is sure; the price must surely go up.

To sweeten this deal for you, if you order for this course before the timer below hits zero, I will also give you the following:


♻ 7 Unpopular Ways To Make Money

On Whatsapp Even If You Don't Have A Product Of Your Own.

WhatsApp Money Secrets

WhatsApp Automation Tools


♻ Alert 'o'clock

If you spend money every day, then there is a need to make money every day. In this report, I will show you the exact strategy I use to make 4-5 figures every single day.

Even if you are broke right now with zero nairas in your bank account, this blueprint will show you how to start making any amount of money you want on demand.


♻ 5 Ways To Increase Your Whatsapp Status Views

Business is a game of numbers.

The more eyeballs you have taking a look at your business, the more chances you stand of converting a prospect into a buyer.

In marketing and sales, it is expected that you can only convert at least 20 percent of your leads.

This means is if you have just 30 people viewing your status when you put out a product for sale you can only convert 3 people into buyers.

If you have 100 people viewing your status, when you put out a product for sale, you can only convert 10 people into buyers.

Now, imagine having 1000 people viewing your status, if put out a product of N2000, you only need 50 people to buy your product for you to make N100k.

Do this twice in a month and that’s a cool N200k sitting in your bank account.

Most bankers don’t even earn that much in a month.

Inside this video course, I will be showing you 5 unique ways you can use to increase your Whatsapp status views to any amount you want.


Magnetic Sales Whatsapp Lead Generator

The Total Value For Magnetic Whatsapp Lead Generator + Bonuses:

♻ Nairaland Traffic Hacks

Unpopular ways to generate high-quality customers without paying for ads on Nairaland


Magnetic Sales Whatsapp Lead Generator

♻ How to Build Sales Page and Landing Page without paying for Domain Name and Hosting.


Magnetic Sales Whatsapp Lead Generator

100% Money-Back Guarantee

This sounds unbelievable, right?

I know, but I am not stupid for making guarantees.

I am confident that this course will work for you because it’s the exact strategy I have personally used to build an audience on Whatsapp that has helped me to make 6-figures every month.

It is likely that you are on the fence because you have bought a lot of courses like this in the past that left you disappointed and a bit skeptical.

I can understand.

That is the reason why I am allowing you to test-drive Magnetic Sales Whatsapp Lead Generator for 30 days.

If after 30 days you feel this course cannot help you build a list of hot buyer audiences on Whatsapp, you can ask for a refund.

The only thing you’ll do is that you will have to show us the lead magnet you create, just to confirm that you made a reasonable effort.

Then, simply contact us & your entire purchase price will be promptly refunded.

Email:[email protected] or call +2348130213125 for a full refund of your investment.

Yes, this course will either give you everything we promised, or you get double your money back AND you get to keep the course + bonuses for free.

No tricks. No hidden fees. None of that. All yours for a low price.

Magnetic Sales Whatsapp Lead Generator

Are You Ready To Get Started Now?

You’re One Step Away From Generating Quality Leads On Whatsapp That Can Consistently Pay You

Click on the link below to get started

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